Monday 18 July 2011

What is Cleft Palate??

Cleft Palate

Cleft palate is an oral deformity affecting the hard palate (bony part of the roof of the mouth). Occassionally the soft palate which is the soft, fleshy, portion at the back of the roof of the mouth is also affected. This deformity causes an opening from the inside of mouth into the nasal cavity. This opening might run from the front of the mouth (possibly including the lip area) to the throat and uvula (the dangling nodule that resembles a punching bag). Cleft palate occurs when the two plates of the skull do not fuse together completely during gestation.
Cleft palate is usually not visible because it develops inside the mouth. However, cleft palate can also affect the development of the upper lip, in which case the cleft would be visible. The extent of cleft palate abnormalities can vary significantly.

Factors Causing Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

The specific factors responsible for causing cleft lip and cleft palate are unknown, but are generally believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental influences. If you have a cleft, or have a family history of cleft lip or palate, your child has a greater chance of being born with the abnormality.
Environmental factors which might be implicated as a possible cause include exposure during pregnancy to anti-seizure medications, acne medications, alcohol and/or tobacco, illegal drugs (eg, cocaine, heroin, crack cocaine), vitamin A derivatives and other chemicals/toxins.


I am the mom of a gorgeous Cleft Palate Baby boy and here is our story...

It is absolutely amazing how the birth of your own little angel, can change your life completely!  The feeling you get when you hear your baby's voice for the first time, you simply can not describe to anyone!  I will never forget the look in my husband's eyes when he first saw our angel!  So much love in his eyes! What an incredible feeling!

I will never forget the pain that I felt, there in the OR, when I heard the doctor tell my husband that our perfect little angel has a cleft palate.  Both his soft and hard palate never developed.

The first few weeks were a complete roller coaster ride.  The hospital offered me no moral or emotional support at all.  My family was in shock.  My mother-in-law was hysterical and started phoning everyone she knew for help.  My mom was in tears.  But my husband and I had no time to grieve.  We simply had to cope. There was no time for tears, because we knew that we had a new life to support.  But we had no idea how!

With the help of the people at the Panorama Breastfeeding Clinic and an amazing Medela Bottle, we slowly taught our angel how to feed.

I have never in my life felt so alone.  Those first few months were plainly said, HELL.  You're confused, scared, VERY scared all the time.  You have no idea what you are doing.  And you have no one to help you. You are on your knees constantly!  

...So this is my blog for moms who are just as scared as I am.  This is my way of thanking God for giving me this amazing little boy.  Yes, today I am truly thankful for every second with my little angel.  In my eyes he is truly perfect.  I love him with all my heart.  I know now that I was put on this earth to be his mommy and to support moms out there who are going through the same things I do.